Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Life Goes On

Bye Bye my lovely Sept and sweet Oct
just love this 2 months in this year 2010 the most
just how much happier I am and no stress life
Now... I'm back to normal daily life in Sg.
What should I do now?
should I attend beading or baking class?

need to start to shed my 5kg extra after the NYC trip
it's so difficult actually because I'm a big eater after the trip
blame the nice good food in states.
How to shape up? erm... im very lazy to exercise :)

hubby back to normal with his studies, assignment, projects and work.
hopefully everything goes well with him as well

I wish there are more good things to come before end of the year!
Please bless me with smooth years ahead too...
and my family...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Life in The Alex

The Alex hotel is so so, even got upgraded
I still love 1600 Broadway compares to here
even with loccitane ammenities couldnt lock my heart
maybe the location of this hotel is too strategically around the offices area.
where else 1600 Broadway is at Times Square.

But still I love New York city
my life here is truly relaxing and well blessed with foods, good stuffs and shopping!
how i wish this could be forever
but this dream will wake up one day...

few more days, we will be leaving back to SG
then wonder how my life will be
hot and sunny, humid weather
everyday sweat sweat and always thinking what to eat and what to do in SG
what a boring one!

Even I have nothing to do in NYC
at least I'm very enjoy with the studio & suite room here
I just love small and compact room, fully cabinet and what's more the bath tub!
where I can have bubble bath :)

We had explored Statue of Liberty, Museums, Empire States, Central Park during the few past weekends
and this weekend we are going to do last minutes shopping
gonna get one big luggage! to stuck all the orders and overloaded stuffs
thought not going to get one but too bad, really overload!
Next time, if I happen to come back again
I will definately bring a super huge luggage! NYC is too much shopping...

Yeah, my A&F Online order has arrived, 2 days earlier from the estimated date
good quality and just wan to purchase more... maybe next time :)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Moving Out

Yes our trip has been extended
and so we are moving out from this 1600 broadway
to The Alex which situated in 45th St, new locations with lots big and tall building I guessed
ok saying bye bye to Times Square...

a good stay thru these 20+days here...
gonna miss this Studio Apt much
great location, great room, everything is just superb!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Looking for some places but couldn't locate

Yeah, we had a great plan at night
to go to Takashimaya New York and Tiffany & co.
went to 53th St 5th Ave, lots shop seen there but not the both
we walked around, passed thru Rockefeller Centre, some churches, H&M, Cartier, LV, Apple, Sony and etc
but couldn't locate the both store in 1 hour.
I'm little dumb knowing that we would go there
but didnt jote down the exact address
with the thought that it will be easily seen...
my thought was wrong then we went back to Juniors
and have some dinner, the back to Studio...

I wanna get something from Tiffany & Co
I want, I hope, I'm tempted but
It's rather expensive and making me think and think again..
no fate yesterday guessed it meant don't buy better :(

Today stay at Apt have a good shower
and rest only as my hubby told me the trip extended!
Yeah, so good to hear that because I dont want to leave here
I love this place so much, a blissful place for me to relax...

Our weekend plan will still continue...
that's the New York City Pass~!
gonna explore Museums, Parks and Liberty!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Everyday it's a new life in New York City

I'm finally recovered, not fully but yet I'm happy that I recovered lastly
at least stay away from sorethroat, flu ...
After rested for 2-3days in Apt, I have full fuel to explore New York again.
but just noted that the day to return Singapore maybe getting closer. I'm feeling damn bored with that.
I wish to stay here longer, I just love the Studio apt here.
I can stay whole days and nights 365days in this apt
Just love too much...

today went out and did little shopping in toy R us
bought LeapFrog stuffs for my hubby's colleague
3 items costs about US$72. how expensive it was for kids stuff nowadays...
with US$72 = RM220 can buy lot of stuffs 20years back then.. :)
1 hour shop and I'm back to Studio, too hot and stuffy outside
these few days, NYC is so hot hot hot...
I'm missing the cooling weather
please come back before I leave :)

this weekend will be our sightseeing weekend in NYC
like Empire State, some museums, Statue of Liberty and etc.
gonna be a rush and excited weekend! Yeah...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Just Love Niagara Falls

After the Lion King show, we saw a lady on the street running with weird attire
and ppl were chasing her and screamed "GAGA" "GAGA"
was it really her? out of sudden appeared in Times Square
looks abit fat to me.. anyway, not to bother much as we arent fans of her.

my last weekend was truly exciting and sweet
we went to Niagara Falls on Sat, returned on Sun
a short trip and get away from NY City...
lucky enough, our flight ticket was fully covered by the US$500 travel voucher which was given to my hubby as one of the compensation for flight delay previously. So we save more for this trip and can spend more..
We took Continental flight to Niagara Falls and all went well..
touched down on time and lucky again we managed to catch a cheap express shuttle to our hotel
only US$1.75 per person, Airport express shuttle!

8.30am we reached and lucky once again, we got our room ready!
checked in so early for the first time and the room was good enough too
that's Crowne Plaza Niagara Falls...
and then we started our journey early to the Niagara Falls Visitor centre to collect our Discovery Pass
walked to Niagara State Park and we were so excited taking photo even just the beginning, no falls at our sight
we were truly enjoyed the breathtaking views with the cooling mist and air!
just like a new honeymoon to us again!

The first attraction was Maid of the Mists!
where we were required to wear something like Raincoats
then took a ferry ride and brought us close to the falls.. how exciting
it was really a good chance to get close to the falls for some phototaking
and enjoying the mists to the max... we got little wet!

After that, we proceeded to the observatory tower!
nice enough everything was well-organized and the waiting queue was not too long
I got cold after this and started sneezing...
the last attraction we went was Niagara Adventure Theatre.. about 40mins show
not adventurous enough and I almost fall asleep

Decided to go back to the hotel to have our lunch
which was included in the package too, such a great deal
Hotel + 2 Diccovery Pass + Lunch = US$230 ++
not to forget, we went to Hard Rock shop to purchase Putty's shirt
cant manage to get her a classic one so got her Pink Rock Shirt.

I was really sick when I reached to the restaurant for lunch
my throat was real pain enough + flu + cough
Took a warm bath and rested for 45mins
That was about 5pm we went out again to Factory Outlets
GAP, Kate Spade, Coach and Polo Lauph Lauren
we just love shopping there much!
how I wish to go there shop shop again. Everything was at a very very very good price!

For now, what I want is to recover from my sickness
Mr Flu, Mr Cough and Miss Sorethroat, please go away!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Lion King Tonight...

Yeah, another 4 more hours we will attend the Lion King musical show in Minskoff Theatre
it should be a grand theatre I guess :)
enjoying my Ben & Jerry's one pint while waiting the time to pass faster
time past like snail today from morning till now

went to have lunch at Hubby's office
Metlife Building 200 Park Avenue
it was about 15-20mins walk, true enough and I think is quite far
so tiring walking alone and all the tall buildings above me
at first, thought I couldnt locate the building
but lucky enough, I found it.

Went to Canal St, Chinatown again
thought of getting T-shirt and Hoodies
the service is not really good though and didn't get anything from them
it's rather expensive again compared to the last time i saw
abit cheating...

nothing much to update... :)
waiting to go Niagara Falls this weekend!