Saturday, April 18, 2009

and I finally passed for first time...

What's that? haha it was the exam I took on last Thursday..unexpectedly I managed to get thru for the first time. thanks God. It's very hard, you know... really suprised when the lady told me "Well Done" when I signed out just after the exam.. I'm so glad and glad and very much appreciated for everything being so smooth.
This weekend, it is a relax weekend for me to enjoy. Even there's Chairman's Orientation in the morning till 230pm. Back home, got a chance to eat the left over potato salad made by my hubby. Why left over? haha.. he held a little house warming celebration with his colleagues. yummy potato salad... yum yum!
Bought myself a Technical Analysis book at MPH, in which I hope it can develop a little or more interest for myself in looking at those charting. Soon to go on, will try to get myself register in those courses related to charting and charting... gile charting ke?
Awaiting return to KL again on 29 April 09, again?? yes, again...abit longer trip than the last time..Will reach KL at night 10pm by flight. and see how it goes...hopefully can go for a short trip to Malacca with family... all depends to my dad as well, whether he can walk or he wan to rest more at home. I pray all the best return to his good health soon...! real soon. Please take care your health too, everyone!
heard from my mum, she's going to quit baby sitting soon in June. it's not her intention but the baby's mum and her whole family is going to China for business trip for few years. Hence, no choice and just to accept the fact. Everything happens for a reason.. Positive thinking should be a good one where my mum can accompany my dad everyday... and be more relax in taking care my dad. Rather than small baby sitting and big baby sitting now..haha (dad= big baby).
and today is my hubby's chinese calendar bday... "Sen Re Kuai Le Ching Ai De!!!" hahaha that's all I can do :P We dont have any plan yet. it's very hot hot.. lazy to go out at all. He's watching JB now while I continue to update my blog. just a relax time for both of us... :)))

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