Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Congrats to my loved one...

It has been few days without air conditioning since Saturday. Been sleeping with a fan at night, feel so sticky and have not had a good sweet dream from the day onwards. I'm missing the air from beloved air conditioning. It has been down suddenly, just after the repaired from the dripping air con water non stop. And now, it comes another case. Hopefully, the repairman will come soon... I need AIR CON...!!!

The champagne roses that I received from Lovely are still so fresh until today. Hopes it remains forever but I know will not. The smell is still there... believe me.. I love it..hehe

Tomorrow Love will get to sign his offer letter from Barclays. Congrats much much to him, lastly he did make it!!! smart guy... bravo... Our lifestyles will getting better and better...I could eat as much as delicious food that I can...muahahaha piggy :o

GYM.... ?? not at all. Have stopped awhile since I was sick few weeks back. Will continue after CNY... Will I? hopefully...

3 more days to work .... and 3 more days to go so that I will back to KL ...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Breaking the Piggy Bank..

Opps It's definitely not a piggy bank... but they were....

The froggy, beary and purple koala.. It took my lovely sweat to get all of them full everyday...huhh... and today is the day to count the savings...

Tang... Tang ... Tang...!!! We got this much... Guess how much...

It's about $600 +++...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Romantic 3rd Anniversary

Tick Tock Tick Tock..... It's 23 Jan 08.

Stil cant figure out where's my love going to bring me for dinner tonight... Been trying to disturb him, trying to get some clue from him. But this time round, he keeps his mouth too tight.

Lastly, I actually changed his mind. Instead of following his well plan, I suggested him to try Brazillian Cuisine@Vivocity, namely CARNIVORE. Any Idea? It's a restaurant...the atmosphere is fun, relaxed, casual, happening and totally a comfort dinner as we went on weekend. We were served by MEAT waiters - a fast-act and friendly knife-welding passadors move around the tables, carving the frest meats from large skewers onto our plates. We are CARNIVORE...hehe We ate plenty of unlimited meats, from pork shoulder, pork sausage, grilled butterfish, mutton, chicken thighs, bacon beef, beef ribs and etc... Almost 15 about them. Besides that, they served salads, soup, vege as well.
Meat Waiter

And that's where we are on 23 Jan 08....

And the Surprise was...

...... this Champagne Roses bouquet delivered to my office when I was attending a client at the desk.... (blush at the counter)

A message to him:


Monday, January 21, 2008

Tomolo is the Day..

So what's the excitement?... tomolo is the 3rd Anniversary for our love...wondering where he's gonna bring me this time. This round both of us didn't apply any leave on that day, unlike last time we used to rest on the day that is 23 Jan for every year. We will treat the special day like the day's belongs to us. We share, we laugh, we love, we sing, we will have so much fun...trying new things/visit new places.

Review back last year...what we did was visit the ACM = Asian Civilization Museum and treated our tummy at My Humble House. Wondering this time round dinner, where will it be? Special restaurant? Special Name? hehe.... all was well-planned in his mind which I don't have any clue on it. He said "It is near to our house" Ermmm... not much restaurant that I could thought of.

Trying to get new pair of shoes for CNY...to match the Cheongsam and to match all my CNY clothes. Unfortunately, either out of size or not to comfort.. Praying hard that I could get one!! At least, something that match the Cheongsam.

Cough hasn't been cleared since December. Trying Manuka Honey Active 16+. My cough it's on and off... I guessed I eat too much ice cream/cold stuffs.. Opps not I guess... was I did!!!

My lovely it's very hot in demand right now... He was well-grabbed by the agent. Why? because he did something wrong...haha.. Praying deeply that he could get a better job that 100x better than current job right now...

After all, I can eat well well well well well...

And be a P....

not PIG...

It's definitely PRINCESS... muhahahaha

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Chinese New Year's Preparation

Lately, everyone's shopping around..trying to grab new clothes, new stuffs and everything new for CNY... For wat me and my Lovely do were trying to get since Xmas Sales...bought a piece and a piece to become a big mountain... : ) Happy for myself yesterday, I have bought another perfect piece of Cheongsam which already costs me about $200dollars at Danica Far East Plaza. pity expensive huhhh.. What I amazed with the piece is that it really fits on me...hehe You know hardly find a piece of Cheongsam tat's totally fit..either the waist too loose or butt butt too tight..haha saw one that's more eyes-catching piece of Cheongsam tat costs more than $300dollars as the owner said. It is embroidred with Golden stiched of Dragon on a sharp green material. Hope to get a piece from them for my wedding as they provide handmade measurement. But wat I have chose yesterday, not bad t all... Orange inside, black roses outside...Guess how's it looks like..?? Anyway, I will wear it of coz during the CNY...
Besides that, I have changed my date of examination for my M5 to March.. A joyful thing to enjoy for today. Been stressed for awhile that I didn't study at all and the time has been around the corner and that's 28Jan. Excitedly today I have changed the M5 exam to end of March with a little pay of 20dollars. Why I havent prepare??? That's all because CNY is around the corner and my minds keep dreaming and wondering what to do from 2Feb (the day which I will step in KL) until 10Feb. 10Feb onwards, thought of the plans that my sis and bro should do when they are in Sg with me... It's really occupied my mind about 80%... (hehe..reason to give to myself to delay the exam)
Yeah, I've bought some nice CDs... songs I love " A Groovy kind of Love, and Perfect Moment" and etc. keep playing even in my handphone ringtones... "This is the moment... This is the perfect Moment with You..."
...Waiting Lovely back home from gym. I have stopped gym for quite a while.. I think more than 1 week as my body really weak these few weeks...Trying to get healthy like last time...Will be more hardworking to eat more supplements..like honey..keke..
I think gtg and prepare myself in case my Lovely back..then we will head out to shop shop and shop haha...One more thing, cant wait to go back KL and award my dad with little pressie... I know this thing sure surprised him alot alot and alot... Cant wait to laugh...and enjoy the moment with my family..hehe

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Review of Series 2007

Back to blog again... There's thousand things to drop over here but one thing tat make me stop blogging sometimes is that I need to on laptop and login to blogger..

It's the time to review for 2007 and look forward in 2008. So what have I done in 2007 and wat are the things that excites about? Basically, noting much. been wasted 4 months worked in hotel industry. Got a changed to financial field. I have passed 2 Modules paper - will be sitting another paper in coming days. Happiness - every love that He showers me, Achieved wat I hope for in just a matter of time, bought stuffs that I've hunger for, and get proposed by Him. Sadness - failure during attempted the exam papers, lost of grandpa and sympathy on my grandma now..Hope she's getting better and be strong so that she can attend my wedding ends of this year...

Not to forget, these few months - been trying to give suprises to my Lovely. Brought him to Ma Maison (A Japanese French Restaurant on 221207). Also, Jogoya@Starhill on 010108, the perfume Explorer and etc. Hopefully he could feel the efforts that I'm continue adding the spices into our relationships. :)

Back then, we had a small family trip to Genting on 311207 with my mum and my sis. First time, countdown at Genting with those lovely family members around as well as my lovely boy. After all, it was a superb nice trip to be. We stayed at Awana Genting last min as the resort that we booked so called "Amber Court" was very spooky. The whole building was old, covers with dirt, broken glasses and windows. From outside, the white building also comes with some red and black painted from the top. Imagine - just like those blood flowing down the bulding. IT WAS HORRIBLE... All the rooms in Genting was fully booked so no choice lastly we got a Club Suite at Awana. What we did there.... archery...mini golf...playing cards...movie (National Treasure 2)...Countdown..Fireworks...shop shop...dinner at Lakeview and sleep..

Bad experience just after countdown. We had Starbucks Signature Hot Chocolate..and guess wat happened. I couldnt hold still and the Hot Chocolate poured on my thighs, legs, feet. It was so so so HOT!!!

Back Back then on 291207, my lovely man and I visited the hotel that where we thought to held our wedding. Everything is so smooth, just looking forward to set the wedding date. In the afternoon, we did an outing with the kids to Planet Hollywood at Starwalk, The Pavillion, Great Eastern Mall and lastly Haagen Danz at KLCC...

Further plan,

  • Looking forward to attend Bridal Fair

  • Pass the Module Paper in Jan

  • Submit Dealing License Application

  • CNY at KL on 2nd Feb - 10 Feb

  • Siblings visit SG after CNY

  • Genting, Awana, and Kuantan Family Trip in April