Monday, March 31, 2008

It seems colder lately at night...

Today, it's my Lovely First day for his new work at Barclays.

And I get to know...

He will be leaving me soon... on 12th April

For about a month...

I guess he will let me know tonight... :(
He hasn't tell me at all but with my intelligent... I found out!

Little Lovely Pendant

Lovely chose this "Little Lovely Pendant"


I'm Back...

Alright..Where to start? And What to Say?
Lastly, I'm back blogging..suddenly miss my blog so much...maybe to update my sincere readers that I have PASSED my exam today (taken 40mins to finish instead 2 hours).... hehe.. I'm glad of that..I think I have cleared all the necessary modules paper. Need a break to go further on unnecessary ones.

Guess what? It happened on Friday =)
Yeah.. I've signed up a new "HELLO" mobile plan

What's Next?

3.......2.......1.......Daaaaaaaaaaaa... Daaaaaaaaaaa

And that's our new HTC Touch Dual (with Broadband on Mobile)

Little pressie for my Lovely... First, 40% to congrats him work hard and got into Barclays. Secondly, 40% as his coming Burday present... Haha 2in1...!!!

A welcome msg "Nice to Meet You"

The HTC Touch Dual Crazie Couple

Monday, March 24, 2008

M.I.A for a week...

Dearest Readers,

I will be away from blogging for a week. Wanna study for my coming exam. You may take rest for a week and no need to check out any updates in my blog.. Especially to the reader namely sIm.


Right for now, I will update you guys with "Meet the Ji-Mui's 210308 at Wong Kok Char Chan Teng". Participants: Putt Putt, Joanne, Rose and May Sim.

I just gathered some of the Ji-Mui's. If I gather more, I think it will be more complicated as it would be. Not I mean "complicated" as the words Complicated. In the sense that I might not be able or have the chance to catch up with everyone if I call up for a big group... Some might feel they are small or nobody, redundant/left out in the talks... to avoid that case happen, I will call for few rounds..For those who are left out, will arrange to catch up with you again... We chatted much and bla bla bla bla till this So Poh sIm suddenly not feeling well so we ended early... The content on what we talked about - of course cant be revealed here. If not, nothing special otherwise the "Brother's Side" will know...hahaha... Hope to catch up with you guys more often...Maybe in May - but most of them have their own plans like going Phillipines, Phuket and Hong Kong... envy them..I wanted too!!!

Also chatted with a fren of mine in MSN, namely "Stef" who suggested the color of the "DAY".

Dearest Ji-Muis'

Alright, let's make it LAVENDER PURPLE or WHITE for the day. Thanks a billions!!!


Will update you guys on the "Meet The Parents on 220308" on my wedding homepage (soon to release out)

Monday, March 17, 2008

New work time...

New leader has arrived today. And so our work time changed from 830am - 530pm... For me, just 30mins early to wake up and 30 mins early to go back. Nothing much as I used to different working hours like 7am-3pm, 3pm-11pm, 12-8pm. 10-6pm, 5-2am, and etc. All these timings that I have experienced when I worked in hotel industry...

Today such a quite day, bit bored too. Just worked worked and worked + study for my exam which will be held on 31 March...

to be continued...


My Lovely and I are working out our soon to call "Wedding Homepage"... Check out for it!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Inconsistent Wireless Internet connection...

Wanted to continue blogging yesterday but stupid unstable wireless internet has been down and up for few seconds and down again... made those stuff i blogged last night when I was back from the dental appointment not being saved/uploaded. I'm lazy to blog it all over again on yesterday story.

Just a word "Disappointment" on the dental appointment & plus the services they rendered. Honestly, I got nothing at the end of being waited for 1 hour 30mins from my appointment time. Those info the dentist shared was available on the Internet. Frankly speaking, the internet does better than the consultation which took about less than 15mins I guessed. What I wanted to find out... all bout Invisalign... costs $8000 SGD and above.

Lastly, the orientation has ended and the sun shines again. In fact, today it's really a sunny day. it maybe because the orientation has ended...haha...just kidding.. It doesn't related at all.. Sunny day and so I decide to wash my whole bunch of clothes... a big bunch...

I think my cough getting clear day by day... but sometimes do cough when there is phelgm around my throat. After been suffering from about 3 months cough, I've learned my lessons.. will try to keep my health condition to the optimum level which is too the BEST.

During my cough period, I think I had visited more than 5 times western doctor and almost to 10 times and also 2 times of Chinese doctor at Eu Yan Sang clinic (taken their 14days bitter and dark - mixed with water medicine, 2 times a day). Also tried gargle with salt water every days and nights. Honey + Green Lemon/ Yellow Lemon, Hot Coke + Lemon in microwave, Enzymes, Promesteen, Aloe Vera Juices, Manuka Honey Active 16+, Mui Far Koh, Chan Pei Mui, "my mum and dad so called SIN DAN", Vitamin C, Fish Oil with Olive Oils,...what else... If you ask me, "What about lozenges? Did you try?... I did! And a number of them. You name it, I've tried it. Vicks, Robittusin, Halls, Pei Ba Kou, Woods, Fisherman, Stepsils, and etc... I even sucked the lozenges during my sleepless nights when cough. Not only that, I did a chest X ray too. To confirm myself that my chest is still healthy even thought I was cough.. Pity me...

Taken a number of MC, which affected my work life. Not only cough... but this cough came with fever, vomits and damn badly sorethroat which the tonsil were badly swollen till like you hardly eat. What's available for me? everyday porridge or soft buns.

After all of this,

I really really want to express my gratitude from my heart "Thank You" to YOU, my Lovely. You know... and you know the best way to care and support me.

He said, "Lovely, don't worry. I'm sure your sickness will recover soon. Just a matter of time...slowly it will recover.. I will help you along the ways".

And also to my family members, especially my mum - non stop in asking me to try this and that...hahaha

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Isn't it a Nightmare?

Not nightmares but so called "day-nap mares".

Don't felt like waking up and went to work today. Yesterday night didn't give me the feeling that I was fully well-slept. Been waking up few times as my Lovely was coughing and snoring and talking .... something sounds like this... grrrrrrrr grrrrrrrr.... gorrrrrrrrr gorrrrrrrrrrrr .... and hmmmmmm.... hmmmmmmmm... these were the natural rhythm that played at the tips of my ear last night.

And that didn't concluded my so called "night-day-nap mares story" yet.

This was the second time I dreamt something like this before in the room which I stayed. Happened that I knew I was sleeping with the lights on, pouring rain outside, didn't on air con, books that I read before I slept was besides, laptop was on the left side and so on. The dreamt was I couldnt wake up from this condition even though I knew myself was just taking a nap. My tired eyes was hardly opened, and I could heard someone was in my room with the door opened. But I couldn't see the someone in my room and who was the one chattting near the door. I dreamt that I tried to call myself wake up wake up but still something that kept my eyes closed. I even tried to mumble some Chinese spells "Amitabha", or even dreamt that the bottle of water besides my bed - I took it, washed my eyes with the water. Not at all to get out of this dream.

I didn't know it was dream when I was in the dream. It seems real, very real to me...

Lastly, been struggled for sometimes in the dream and finally I was awake. Scary...Scarry...

I don't hope it will happens again for the third time. Or else, I tell you.... I will move!!! I will move to another house....


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

when only the sun will shines

Been heavy raining since the past few days and today even...

Quite moody today and you know what I did...? My mind just keep thinking to buy shoes. Dont ask me why. I'm unsure about that too.. Maybe after I get new shoe, I will be happy. Will I?

After lunch, I saw some quite pretty shoe in Nine West which suits for wedding... But Lovely said it's not really nice - refering to the pair that I saw in Nine West.. so we went out that shop.. Maybe it's too fast for me to get number pairs of shoe for wedding as I haven't choose any gown yet. Will look again -maybe Aldo, Guess Marciano and etc for my princess shoe for the day.

After went out from Nine West, Nothing can stop me either.. My mind still thinking to buy shoes. I told my lovely. We went to Pretty Fit. I told myself "I must get a shoe here no matter what" Am I stubborn? Finally, got myself a pair "plain black shoe". I bought it without thinking whether "Does it suits me? Is it too plain? and etc... My Lovely commented "NICE". Ended up, I bought it without thinking at all... My mind is empty...

Finished the third day orientation. Not lucky, heavy rain... It has been so since the past few days. Every evening, the rain will pours for another few hours. What I do? Crazily, went to Charles and Keith. What shop is that? If you guys unfamiliar with it, let me tell's shoe shop again! Not to say, I got myself 2nd pairs of shoe for the day.

Eventually, thought to get 2 pairs in C&K to make it 3 pairs of new shoe for today.. Just today itself. Thinking twice, I only bought 1 pair (black too) at C&K. Will buy the pair that I left out coz it's pretty okay though.

I think i'm crazily for shoes...

Back then, after got myself 2 pairs of shoe for today - I'm moody still...

FYI - my little sister got her results today. Without any disappointment, she got flying colours (straight A's). What's the reward that she has been asking from me? .... something that produce rhythm... a musical instrument... Definately will buy for you as I've already promised her... Congrats to you my little Sis...I'm very proud of you..

Monday, March 10, 2008

Isn't a Good Start

Not a good day to start of as the washroom was occupied by the lady housemate early in the morning. The thing that I dont like the most... causing me to rush for my bath, make up and got to work... She spent her own sweet time in the washroom for so long..and 2 rounds somemore...

It isn't a good day...

Before reaching the HQ for TR orientation.. Something that brought my attention...

It isn't a good day...

After all, it isn't a good day today.. nothing's better...

Hope others will have a wonderful day... unlike myself...

Things that Undone

  1. Have not go for GYM for almost 100days.
  2. Have canceled the trip to Hyatt Kuantan which suppose to be on 21 March.
  3. Have not start my study on Module 5.
  4. Have not start up a complete facial/spa programme.
  5. Have not held Meet the Parents session.
  6. Have not clear my cough for few months. =(

Luckily, these few days I'm able to sleep well with little cough at night only. :p

One more thing to share, that is my Lovely might be going to Geneva, Switzerland for a training session provided by his new company Barclays. Let's cherish for him.. How Long? The answer was not confirmed. I guess might be few months...

Positive: I might be going there as well for a week or two. I'm happy on his new career progression!!!

Negative: I'm lonely...lonely...

Wedding's Preparation...

Finally, we signed up the bridal package with TOM's Wedding at the Bridal Fair in MV not long ago.. Unsure whether are them really good in terms of service they render, gowns, photoshooting skill and etc. Hda done some surveys thru Malaysia brides forum, I think they are one of the best in rendering good service. Have not really deal with them, probably in April/May for the bridal gown selection/fittings. The package includes a lot of stuffs. Doesnt need to mention as I totally forgotten what we had deal with them. The only thing I remembered was the price of $3388. Is that reasonable? Expensive? I'm not sure about that too..

One good new for today.... I'm proudly to announce my Wedding date falls on 15 November 2008. My Lovely and I were so worried these few days. Eventually, we booked the ballroom on 23 November as a temporary wedding date. After confirmation from his family, the date should be changed to 15 November instead. We contacted the person in charge of the ballroom, he said there was a tentative booking for another couple on the day you requested. And finally, today he confirmed we are the one for the day 15 November 2008.

After setting the date, next to move on is Meeting the Parents. My Lovely and I was working out for this plan but unfortunately as there were some unavoidable things happened. We have canceled for few times. Hopefully in between this 21 March-23 March. The parents can meet up for a meal...and round table discussion.


Dear Families And Friends,

You will receive a invitation from us soon.

Hopefully all plans will go as smooth as it can...

February stories

Still been coughing for few months since late December, but it's getting worse during Chinese New Year. It may due to travel up and down from SG-KL-SG-KL.

So what had happened in February:

  • CNY's Eve at Genting - watched the movie, Rambo, went for Be a Star for karaoke session, watched fireworks and of course Family Reunion Dinner.

  • Sibling's trip in Sg - provided them accomodation, transport, trips, meals and etc. They had the chance to enjoy the HippoTours for 2 days, Night Safari, Zoo, Chingay, Sentosa, River Hongbao 2008 and etc. Hopefully they will come again but next time round on their own expenses.. okay?
  • and nothing much in Feb... MC alot!!! Had seen western doctors for 3-4 times and twice on chinese Eu Yan Sang doctors but still unwell.. Had done chest X-ray (normal).

Pray hard that my cough will end soon...