Friday, March 14, 2008

Inconsistent Wireless Internet connection...

Wanted to continue blogging yesterday but stupid unstable wireless internet has been down and up for few seconds and down again... made those stuff i blogged last night when I was back from the dental appointment not being saved/uploaded. I'm lazy to blog it all over again on yesterday story.

Just a word "Disappointment" on the dental appointment & plus the services they rendered. Honestly, I got nothing at the end of being waited for 1 hour 30mins from my appointment time. Those info the dentist shared was available on the Internet. Frankly speaking, the internet does better than the consultation which took about less than 15mins I guessed. What I wanted to find out... all bout Invisalign... costs $8000 SGD and above.

Lastly, the orientation has ended and the sun shines again. In fact, today it's really a sunny day. it maybe because the orientation has ended...haha...just kidding.. It doesn't related at all.. Sunny day and so I decide to wash my whole bunch of clothes... a big bunch...

I think my cough getting clear day by day... but sometimes do cough when there is phelgm around my throat. After been suffering from about 3 months cough, I've learned my lessons.. will try to keep my health condition to the optimum level which is too the BEST.

During my cough period, I think I had visited more than 5 times western doctor and almost to 10 times and also 2 times of Chinese doctor at Eu Yan Sang clinic (taken their 14days bitter and dark - mixed with water medicine, 2 times a day). Also tried gargle with salt water every days and nights. Honey + Green Lemon/ Yellow Lemon, Hot Coke + Lemon in microwave, Enzymes, Promesteen, Aloe Vera Juices, Manuka Honey Active 16+, Mui Far Koh, Chan Pei Mui, "my mum and dad so called SIN DAN", Vitamin C, Fish Oil with Olive Oils,...what else... If you ask me, "What about lozenges? Did you try?... I did! And a number of them. You name it, I've tried it. Vicks, Robittusin, Halls, Pei Ba Kou, Woods, Fisherman, Stepsils, and etc... I even sucked the lozenges during my sleepless nights when cough. Not only that, I did a chest X ray too. To confirm myself that my chest is still healthy even thought I was cough.. Pity me...

Taken a number of MC, which affected my work life. Not only cough... but this cough came with fever, vomits and damn badly sorethroat which the tonsil were badly swollen till like you hardly eat. What's available for me? everyday porridge or soft buns.

After all of this,

I really really want to express my gratitude from my heart "Thank You" to YOU, my Lovely. You know... and you know the best way to care and support me.

He said, "Lovely, don't worry. I'm sure your sickness will recover soon. Just a matter of time...slowly it will recover.. I will help you along the ways".

And also to my family members, especially my mum - non stop in asking me to try this and that...hahaha

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