Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Back to hometown...

have been here since 25th august...
few 4 days rushed here and there to settle stuffs in gov sector.
and lastly had a hearty breakfast at La Bodega
before my hubby's departure back to Singapore then to Geneva
missing him so much...

then my family and I spent 3 days 2 nights at Genting
for merdeka countdown celebration!
ok trip went well as supposed
a little bit funny was all of us standby for countdown since 8pm
had a heavy rain and we were be given raincoats!
Semangat Merdeka!
amazing 10mins fireworks displayed too!

and we had a advanced birthday celebration for Mummy at "Be A Star Karaoke"

that's all up till to date, more pictures in facebook!

Monday, August 23, 2010

rainy days spoilt my plan

initially wanted to go out today
to MPH buy New York City travel guide,
to Suntec City buy straightener for my cousin sis,
to Daiso to buy clothes compressor... Im not too sure how to call that item..
the plastic bag then got vacuumed, from 5 clothes compressed become 1...
I think I wanna try that because my hubby's luggage is super big
loads with all my 22 days clothing for NYC
I'm not sure what's the weather will be like
so I bring what my hubby can bring... hehe

Rainy day today make me hardly move my ass to go out
then whole day I've been surfing nets
for travel insurance, credit cards, air tickets, hotel, and etc.
my hubby told me his trip has been confirmed
from 29th to 8th sept in Geneva
and from 8th sept till 1st Oct in NYC, this is the time where I join him :)) super excited!!!
I have not step into USA before...

finally the chance has arrive, thanks hubby for travel so much
I've booked my flight from SG-JFK transit in Dubai with Emirates!
also return JFK-SG transit in Frankfurt with SQ!
how wonderful it will be to travel around
to explore the beauty of New York City...

we plan to drop by Niagara Falls in one of the weekend
need to do more research on it from net
and till I buy the tourist guide book
then I will explore more where to go in NYC...

sadly, I will have to shorten my trip in KL
This wed, we will be flying back and thought I will stay in KL till 20th Sept
until my bro in law and my cousin sis's wedding are over...
but sadly again, we cant attend both...
timing is not right again.
so I will need to fly back on 7th Sept to Sg then...

continued again...

Sunday, August 22, 2010


woke up at 10am and don really have the chance to talk to my hubby
before he's out for his class started at 9am.
blurred and stucked in the room for whole day
surfing net while waiting him to be back
another 30mins to go...
His class till 6pm.. like office hour 9-6pm!!!
that's crazy but I will tolerate and support him.

Yeah, the dustbin full with worms
when I brush my teeth this morning
I felt something's crawling up to my leg
see properly... it's worms!!! and many!!!
disgusting and scary....
told my bro in law to settle it :)

remind me the last time I bought a dozen of eggs
then few days only, lots of worms crawling and so smelly
at that time, I throwed it to the dustbin.
This time round, I dont dare to do it.. because it's too many....

Next wed, I balik kampung lorrr...
very fast and I'm back to KL again...
What to do? as usual makan, jalan, shopping!
guess I will be in KL till 7th Sept...
my hubby till 28th Sept only, then he fly back to Sg to catch a flight to Geneva
how I wish so much I can go along...

sob sob sob....

Friday, August 20, 2010

health screening isn't it scary?

Well, I did my first truly health screening yesterday

all the while I did was pre-employment or pre-PR/work permit
since i'm free right now and we thought to have health screening
we are started to age well... haha 26 going to be 30
health is the most important thing to sustain a healthy living

in July, my hubby did his health screening
anyway, his was very basic and simple
blood/stool/urine test to check cholesterol,colon cancer,BMI,liver and etc only at $98dollars
but mine was far more complicated and exp! about $458!
includes 6 cancer tests,rubella,pap smear,pelvic ultrasound and all basic covered

Health screening done at Gleneagles hospital located at Orchard
Appointment at 10am; done around 10.45am
Fast and efficient..
Did pap smear and pelvic ultrasound for the first time
and the feeling was very weird!
wondering who invented those tests to be taken like this way
no other ways...???

the day before health screening, luckily I met up with Fumie for lunch
she did before and told me the whole procedures
it's yuckss... go goggle and find it out
Gals, you will have to experience it anyway
be prepare better than to be blur.

so gladly that I did not scream during the blood test!
I'm very afraid of injections or blood test
I had a very mixed feelings two days before the screening day
like wanna vomit those kinds, too nervous and I'll become like this
same to my brother... haha
guess this is inherit by genes!

Here's a photo of me taken with the plaster (blood test area)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Geneva again!

Sadly, I'm not travelling this time round.
I'm hoping so badly to tag along with my hubby
for his business trip from 28th Aug till 7th Sept
Lack of vitamin "M"; i cant follow to Geneva
It will costs $3000 just for the flight only = RM7000
at which my mummy said I can use this amount to spend in KL happily
True enough that I could opt to stay in any Midvalley hotels and non stop shopping
enjoy spa, food, massage, clothes and etc...

but then of course, who will waste this amount of money as an opportunity cost
I have been to Geneva last time in 2008
so it will not be a damn waste if I dont follow this time
Just that I will be missing my hubby so much again
And I will be alone in KL too, nope nope I still have my loving family with me
Dont you worry me and I will be worry and missing you more...

I will be back to KL on 25th August so early flight...
reach KL still can have my breakfast
guess I will be in KL till 20th Sept almost a month.
wow I cant imagine what I will be doing there...
hope to meet up with all my dearie frens and buddies.
1 wedding tea ceremony to attend plus 2 weddings dinner
12/18/19 Sept auspicious day ma?

Yeah! Later my bro in law treats us for Japanese Buffet
empty up my stomach today; eat little
and start munching all the sashimi later!!!
getting prepare first...tata!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

100 posts today!

what I wanna blog today?
few days back I had a big surprise from my naughty hubby
on 12th August this happened...
we were watching HK drama on the bed
and suddenly I told my hubby

Me: today is so so so bored

Hubby: bored ah...? you put your hand under your pillow

Me: why worr....

Hubby: (wicked smile)

then he grabbed my hand and put under my pillow
i found out there was something hidden...
a soft cloth cover with an item
then i pulled out, it was a LV cloth cover
first thought is he played with my LV cloth cover which was kept in my wardrobe
but it was not, i touched the item, the shape was different
and it was a huge surprise from him again!

dahhhh dahhhh....

that's the 100th posts for today!

Thanks alot Hubby for making up my boring day. I love you so much...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

funny stuffs will fall to me

friday is the day of US visa collection
my hubby and I reached there on the dot 2.30pm
it has been a long long Q under the hot tent.
then my hubby infront of me got his passport with Visa
and myself happily waiting for the lady to find my passport
said, "Yours not ready, I send you up for collection"

alright, sounds ok still but need to Q again for security check
to go into the US embassy, wait and wait
a bunch of ppl patiently seated and wait for their passport
lastly, a lady told us that their system was down and pls come back on next Tues to collect
everyone was so miserablely left the room, so am I.

my hubby got his visa so smoothly but I'm not
so I went yesterday; Tues to collect my Visa alone
Luckily, I was in the first row because I reached early as 2pm
successfully collected my visa and left...

Now, im waiting to go to US anytime
but might be a bad news is my hubby not going to US
maybe Geneva again, should I follow?
I've been there in 2008
hopefully I can go 2 places of course...

meanwhile, excited to go back KL in coming weeks...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Visa Application

alright, as you know Malaysian needs to apply US Visa to go to US
and so we applied at US Embassy in Singapore.
the appointment scheduled as early as 7.45am
and we woke up and be preprared since 5.30am
We reached there 30mins early and be told to queue under the tent.

at 7.45am, we was called the front 5 to be ready to enter
We are no.2! glad that we went early
the security was very tight there, they will do something similar to airport check
deposit all the electronics device at the security offices like mobile, mp3, headsets and etc...
Everything was very efficient
from document checking, cashier payment for a fee S$196, fingerprinting and interview
Efficient enough and our Visa has been approved!
They will inform you on the spot during the interview.
Collection will be on coming Friday, hope everything goes smoothly as like today...

I still remember the day my hubby and I took leave
just to renew our Malaysian Passport at Malaysia High Comm
we reached there around 7am...
and being told that the system was totally down today
unsure till what time they will fix..
the security guard told us to come back next few days
we was so frustrated as we purposely took leave to come
and we prepared all the doc..from head to toes
and we woke up so early plus the day was a rainy day
we are so disappointed and never ever will go there again.
Then we went back someday to get it done in KL

Monday, August 2, 2010

Threadless - Graphic Tees in Chicago

hiding at home doesnt mean will not spend any single cents
and so my pocket spoilt by Threadless Graphic Tees
I've ordered 7 items and costs me US$53 dollars
Have always been wanted sometimes back to try their Tees
and today with the special promotion
"Ship Anywhere for FREE"
Without hesitation, I placed an online order with them
go grab if you're interested: www.threadless.com

By 1-3 weeks, I should be getting the new pieces 7 Tees.
Cute and colorful designs chose.
Hope the quality of the shirt is good and comfortable.

Later, I will go out somewhere to get my US Visa photo done.
I hate to take those photo, true enough is ugly all the time
the last time I took this kind of passport photo,
I've spent and taken at a few shops, not nice at all...
This time round, just take it.. no mattter ugly or pretty
wont go for few rounds more...

US Visa Interview appointment has been scheduled tomolo at US Embassy
early morning as 7.45am, gotta wake up around 5.30am
tiring one but I think it's worth it...
looking forward to US soon...

Freedom starts today...

Yes, definately I can wake up at anytime I want

so excited that my days have change to a non-stress, happy life

do what I want and take my own sweet time to do stuffs

And today woke up at 9am...

it's early though.

whole day tidy up my room

guessed it has been more than a year I didnt tidy up

how lazy I am and how busy I am...