Friday, August 31, 2007

Weekend tales...

Tuesday, nothing much...

Wednesday, had dinner with my lovely at Bugis then we headed to grab something for our sweet escape in the end of Sept..Bought a sunglasses...nothing much..will grab more as the holidays near to date.. Both of us tired, so went home with some groceries : banana, darlie, and soya bean milk (his all-time fav)

Thursday, thought to stay back for seminar but lastly need not to stay. hehe luckily, if not it will be very tiring. Even though, the seminar took one hour, but sometimes it will end after 2 hours as question and question by the clients bout the products...huhh..So, went to Suntec Convention Centre...Why?Wat? becoz of COMEX...PC fair lo..what else that drag me to convention centre if not pc or travel fair. After dinner with lovely and his bro, straight headed to the exhibition hall and grabbed an Acer laptop..of cozzz...not belongs to me...It's for his bro. Too bad, his previous laptop ends its life on wed..A sign to get a new laptop I think..The fair is big enuf to accomodate enuf ppl there..not too crowded nor too empty.. Was trying to grab SD card and wireless Nikon thing, dunno what is it call...forgotten...But times not permit at it was closing soon at 9pm..Hence, lovely went on Friday again during lunch hour...oh yeah, good news lastly we had our 320gb external hard disk..muahhahahaha

Today, ermmm.. nothing much. Just to say study little, work & chat alot whole week. Bought myself whipped potato from KFC for my dinner..hehe...This morning, tried to get prepare early and went breakfast with lovely but somehow...I'm a mimimomo ended we had our breakfast seperately..sob sob...These few days, I was so lazy to do housework..luckily my lovely help me with that and i guessed sometimes he oso fed up wit my laziness and "teh" "teh" ness..Thanks love for ur understanding...


Hope everyone in Malaysia celebrates Independence day joyfully...Too bad for me, today and tomolo stil need to work..

Monday, August 27, 2007

Am I "Fat"???

Lost from blogging few days..

  • Exam failed: Need to retake again.. I guessed will register end of Sept to reschedule to try it once again :S

  • Stomach Cramp cum Gastric on Friday night, causing my colleague worked alone on Sat. Hardly slept whole night, it was so pain until I can't described it...Didn't go to hospital as I was so afraid to go that kind of place. Waited the sunrise and went to company's clinic. Luckily, not appendix or organs bleed. Just a gastric - huhh..

  • Had a new hair cut yesterday. It's free at Toni & Guy Academy. Intro by a colleague of mine to help her friend. Become a model for her to cut and style whatever she wanted. Back to a dumb dumb look Charmaine....

  • Conversation with Lovely last night:

Lovely: So, when you going to lose your weight? And eat less.

Me: Fat? Do I look fat? started to say I'm fat... huhh..

Lovely: No, I'm just asking..Just in case you wan to start losing weight. You know, before wedding every woman will think of losing weight.

Me: Arghhhhh.... sigh...

It was really shocked when he asked this question. So I thought do i look fat? Or I am fat enough to lose weight now...

  • Yesterday, Jap class was sooooo boring as my friend couldn't make it for about 2 weeks. So lonely at class. nobody to joke with..Miss her...hope she comes back soon...all the best to her and her family.

  • Today is Pay Day - Everyone is keen to look for this for me..

  • Siem Reap trip end of Sept...just a month to go..cant wait to enjoy the holidays moment with him..alot of things to buy..preparing soon...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Home-Sick in Singapore..

Thought to book facial and milk bath spa on Friday, just after my exam but fully booked.'s okay, will try to look for more happening things to do after the exam. Hopefully not a tough one but I know it will be very tough for me. One, basic knowledge just in my brain. Second, not confident at all... I think you guys should know what is the outcome on Fri...

Basically, nothing much happen as usual. Work & Study all day long in the office and at home. Getting tired and tired each days...Getting old...hehe... This morning, heard a good and bad news from my mum. First, is my grandpa's sister will not be tat long in this world as she has a seriously cancer spreads over her body. Doc said it wont be that long, so well -prepared. Too sad to know that... Grandpa as usual, still not moving at all - lying on the bed after his operation till now. Hopefully the young one really could take care the elder when the turn has come as they look after us when we were kids before. Secondly, dad starts to change his attitudes towards the family....this is the thing I would like to hear from my mum lastly...

I really miss my family so much... Hope to see them as soon as possible.. Really hope that my mum could visit me someday in Singapore...but I know it wont be this year...It takes time.. abit disappointed to myself coz couldn't get the things done as I've planned for. I think I'm really home-sick now... I wan to be wit my mum, chit chat with my Sis, grumbles my Dad, and my silently bro - noting much to worry bout him except his further education.


Monday, August 20, 2007 my weekend was...

Saturday, housework = mostly laundry (thanks love, cox he did most of the things..I was just instructing as usual..hehe). Then, of course studied all the time but did played BeJeweled to relax myself..cant get high score. sob sob.. Lunch at Plaza Sg..ate ceasar salad and a chicken sandwich - great ceasar salad we had. Dinner - da pao from a hawker stall, salted fish fried rice.
Quite nice, just a relax day for both of us. Time flies in a blink...
Started to stress....
Dreamt about Futures, Hedging, Bonds and confused between them.. Sunday, went out to Suntec Mall, lunch with his brother and sister at Crystal Jade Restaurant. Had chicken & duck congee and little dim sum. Reached home about 6pm - tired to study but did revised little with the assistance of my love one. Night, ironed clothes and say goodnite...
That's the end of my weekend... exam is around.
Nerves start... Nightmares...

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Weekend is Around, So..???

Start of the day, with heavy rain...had breakfast with my lovely - kaya toasts, sausages, hams and 2 sunny eggs plus a tea. Same set as my lovely but he drinks coffee. What a great day to start but with heavy rain fall. Luckily, we reached office before the rain pours.
Continued to ICA to apply PR. Long queues, many ppls, kids were running around...environment not bad..waited for about an hour for my turn. 4094, my turn - the lady who processed my application..(so coincidence) was my ex colleague's sister. No wonder they really looks alike. She started to ask me about working life in MMS, and I wondered why she asked. First, I thought just a small interview session to apply the PR ..Lastly, found out that she's someone. What a small little world... =) The process - was a QUICK Done...which I supposed to say, it only took about 10 mins I guessed. hehe..
On way back to office, trains to Boon Lay got problem.. but just a 10 mins delayed. Besides that, my teddy bear chained at my phone dropped to the floor... =( Yesterday, the teddy bear saved my phone from fall down but today the string break and dropped..sob sob...Is there any special meaning behind it?... I guess there is. It applied to our life as well..Let's think..
Sat and Sun is around...So..Anything??? A day and night to study at home.. phew..

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

"Love is Seeing Yourself through Someone's Eyes and Finding Yourself in Someone's Heart"

A nice love quote to share with everyone.. "Love is Seeing Yourself through Someone's Eyes and Finding Yourself in Someone's Heart"...

Blog at office. Done with my work, finished study first round of CMFAS M6 book. I know that's not the end of it. I should study few more rounds till I fully understand and pass the exam. Is Luck always there for me?

Noting much to blog..whole day just a completely silent day for me..

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Emptiness in Me..

These few days, work work, study study and do noting. Nothing else that I could do to enjoy my life. Since the day I quited hotel industry, I'm happy but I could feel that things doesn't goes smooth on me..Why is that happen? I'm happy because I enrolled Jap classes. Now, too much things to worry about. First, my exam. Secondly, my career. Third, financial. Hopefully these major things could solve at one time. Alright, stop mumbling about my headache routines. I don't think bout it when I really not to think on it. Sometimes, it does pop up in my mind "What am I doing with my life??" I shouldn't question more on that as I believed this is what a life called. No answer to some questions. After all, I should live till the fullest with happiness.

Recalled a song "When I was just a little girl, I ask my mother what will I be?" A cute and sweet song played in my mind after work. How I wish I was a little girl again. Cute and Sweet..hehe Lastly, I could apply PR soon in Singapore. Wish everything will go smooth to me. It's gonna take about 3 months to approve. By tat time, I'm wondering will I pass the exam..Sigh...

Nothing much to blog..

I wish I could...... ........ after pass the exam.

  1. Back KL and hang out with my friends.
  2. Catch up all HK dramas that I've misses for few years.
  3. Hair Do (getting long and longer)
  4. Spa, Facial, Pedi & Mani (a way to pamper myself)
  5. Shopping/Window shopping
  6. Talk on the phone with friends for long hours (which I used to do few years back)
  7. Enjoy the moment of days and nights.
  8. and etc.... I received a suprised msg from someone which I had forgotten few years back. It doesn't affect me but now I do understand that ppl will tend to make mistakes and ask for forgiveness a later period or few years ahead. Do I really care?? Just a word for him "Do take care". Past has gone, nothing could be mend and the stories will left behind becomes history. Experiences are what it counts to become a someone better for tomorrow.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

M6 around the Corner...

Singapore's National Day just passed yesterday. Nothing much to do at home. Just a relaxing day for my love to relax after few days stretching for his work to cover his colleague who was on leave. Woke up 5am and gone to work, finished 10pm plus and skipped classes due to overload works. That's a tiring tiring days for him. Anyway, it was over. Hope he will be more relax bit now.. I will support you no matter what...

My Exam...?? How's studies?? A tough question to answer as I dont put much concentration and no understanding after I've studied. Ask me why?? I'm not too sure. Maybe no motivation, no confidence, no self esteem..I 've lost the interest. Just try my best but I know I'm not and that's not the real person of me..Where's my spirit gone? wondering...sigh..

Days and nights just passed easily. And I feel a little lost in myself. I'm happy with what am I now but sometimes do seem blur and unknown path to move on. There's a way for everything as long as I have a will. I know that but it doesn't work well on me..

Hopefully, soon I will know the answer to all my questions.

Now, starting to plan for my big day which is our Wedding day. Hardly to say as we donno the actual date we want. All depends on older generations to decide for us. Secondly, we are far away from where we are..KL...hardly to settle everything like banquets, invitations, and etc. I believe sooner to the date, all things will go extremely well. That's 2008 stories..hehe. Just plan ahead.

Jap lessons is interesting so far and it attracts my interest. Unfortunately, I couldnt concentrate it much as I need to work and study for m6. Bought 2 Jap books and Jap CDs to improve but no time to explore around yet. Sooner, will get an electronic Jap dictionary which sells at market now. Hope the price is reasonable for me to get one. DooMo Arigato GozaiMasu...

Siem Reap trip is around the corner. Will be in Sept 27, booked flight and gonna stay at the top hotel in Siem Reap which is Hotel De La Paix. Small Luxury Hotel in the World. Proud to experience their hospitality. We booked the Romance Package - first time for us. Sounds interesting the package and hopefully it does the WoW service to us. My expectations are reali high..u know... If not, a complain definetely. hehe.. Searching around the necessary things to buy like sunglasses..Phew!!! Expensive in Singapore... mosquitoes repellent, SD card for DSLR, hats and etc. Thought of back KL for few days to pick up my big big PINK luggage to bring for this trip..Anyway..see leaves yet =(

Ok stop here..lunch time but lunch in Study...

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The First Cuff Link

Being shifted from Friendster's blog to Blogger due to some irritated disturbance from some nonsense. Well well.. not to say it isn't good or bad, I think to create a new blog over here will be more great than to have it at Friendster. First, those disturbance will lost..and Secondly I could dedicate my secret of fairy tales to those who are close to me. Especially YOU, "invited best friends" and families.

Nothing much to wrote for the beginning. Will update more series of incanto fairy tales to all of you soon. Thought of posting a nice sweet skin for this blog but unfortunately, I dunno how to load the code to this site. wish I could find someone to lend me a hand on this. Back to the story of the First Cuff Link - bought the first Cuff Link for my loved one as he seems started to keen into this when saw others ppl/colleagues wearing it. So today, without hestitation I bought a pair of Cuff Link for him. It's marble grey with pearl. Will post a clear picture in the next blog!!! Hehe

These few days, my love being work so hardly and stress for his work which I couldn't comment much as I couldn't help. What I can do is just to be with him Whenever he needs give courage, support and hugs. Hope he feels I'm always there for him... As a gift of appreaciation for his love to me, his hardwork in office... I silently bought him this gift. I had iron his suit and placed the cuff link in...Hehe He will get my suprise the next day morning when he tucks his suit..Excited...

Back to office work, these few days cant reali concentrate studies as there's renovation goin on..What a headache, making my smood wing and ears burst soon. Although, I tried to stuck my ears with my mp3 but the noise still cant be eliminate. Hope that environment will not last long. Alot of things happened this month, one of my best fren's bro got accident seriously - prayed hard for speedy recovery. Life is so short, appreciate the ppl around you and the time you have it now