Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Emptiness in Me..

These few days, work work, study study and do noting. Nothing else that I could do to enjoy my life. Since the day I quited hotel industry, I'm happy but I could feel that things doesn't goes smooth on me..Why is that happen? I'm happy because I enrolled Jap classes. Now, too much things to worry about. First, my exam. Secondly, my career. Third, financial. Hopefully these major things could solve at one time. Alright, stop mumbling about my headache routines. I don't think bout it when I really not to think on it. Sometimes, it does pop up in my mind "What am I doing with my life??" I shouldn't question more on that as I believed this is what a life called. No answer to some questions. After all, I should live till the fullest with happiness.

Recalled a song "When I was just a little girl, I ask my mother what will I be?" A cute and sweet song played in my mind after work. How I wish I was a little girl again. Cute and Sweet..hehe Lastly, I could apply PR soon in Singapore. Wish everything will go smooth to me. It's gonna take about 3 months to approve. By tat time, I'm wondering will I pass the exam..Sigh...

Nothing much to blog..

I wish I could...... ........ after pass the exam.

  1. Back KL and hang out with my friends.
  2. Catch up all HK dramas that I've misses for few years.
  3. Hair Do (getting long and longer)
  4. Spa, Facial, Pedi & Mani (a way to pamper myself)
  5. Shopping/Window shopping
  6. Talk on the phone with friends for long hours (which I used to do few years back)
  7. Enjoy the moment of days and nights.
  8. and etc....

Yeah..today I received a suprised msg from someone which I had forgotten few years back. It doesn't affect me but now I do understand that ppl will tend to make mistakes and ask for forgiveness a later period or few years ahead. Do I really care?? Just a word for him "Do take care". Past has gone, nothing could be mend and the stories will left behind becomes history. Experiences are what it counts to become a someone better for tomorrow.

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