Monday, August 27, 2007

Am I "Fat"???

Lost from blogging few days..

  • Exam failed: Need to retake again.. I guessed will register end of Sept to reschedule to try it once again :S

  • Stomach Cramp cum Gastric on Friday night, causing my colleague worked alone on Sat. Hardly slept whole night, it was so pain until I can't described it...Didn't go to hospital as I was so afraid to go that kind of place. Waited the sunrise and went to company's clinic. Luckily, not appendix or organs bleed. Just a gastric - huhh..

  • Had a new hair cut yesterday. It's free at Toni & Guy Academy. Intro by a colleague of mine to help her friend. Become a model for her to cut and style whatever she wanted. Back to a dumb dumb look Charmaine....

  • Conversation with Lovely last night:

Lovely: So, when you going to lose your weight? And eat less.

Me: Fat? Do I look fat? started to say I'm fat... huhh..

Lovely: No, I'm just asking..Just in case you wan to start losing weight. You know, before wedding every woman will think of losing weight.

Me: Arghhhhh.... sigh...

It was really shocked when he asked this question. So I thought do i look fat? Or I am fat enough to lose weight now...

  • Yesterday, Jap class was sooooo boring as my friend couldn't make it for about 2 weeks. So lonely at class. nobody to joke with..Miss her...hope she comes back soon...all the best to her and her family.

  • Today is Pay Day - Everyone is keen to look for this for me..

  • Siem Reap trip end of Sept...just a month to go..cant wait to enjoy the holidays moment with him..alot of things to buy..preparing soon...

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